Priyanka Chopra wedding rituals start look the photo of her bridal shower

PHOTOS: Priyanka Chopra, like a bride before marriage, started silent rituals

priyanka chopra
Deepika Padukone's wedding date has come, but so far the rituals have not started. Priyanka Chopra's marriage date has not come, but the rituals have started. Yes, recently Priyanka Chopra's baby shower rituals happened. This ritual was organized by the family of Nick Jonas.

Priyanka Chopra's baby shower program is completed in New York. On this occasion Priyanka was not looking less than a fairy. Priyanka was wearing Diamond Necklace with a white-colored gown. Priyanka and Nick's friends joined this function.
priyanka chopra
About this program of Priyanka Chopra's adoption, her stylist Mimi has given information on social media. According to media reports, Priyanka and Nick will be married in November, while Mimi posted a beautiful picture of Desi Girl on her social media account.

The wedding venue is kept in Rajasthan Jodhpur. Priyanka Chopra wants her to be married according to Indian customs. Priyanka's mother, Madhu Chopra also wants her son-in-law to know the best Indian culture. The time when Priyanka and Nick will take seven rounds, the reception of Deepika-Ranvir will be around the same time.
priyanka chopra
It is believed that Nick and Priyanka can soon announce their wedding date. According to the media report, Priyanka Chopra kept the fast of Karavachoth for her husband, Nick. He had shared a picture on Instagram, in which caption he had written - in the moon hidden clouds.
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